Автор - Bond Larry

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«Red Phoenix»

Bond Larry , Larkin Pat

North Korea is the only country ruled by a hereditary Communist government. Kim Jong Il, its “Dear Leader,” rules with absolute authority. In spite of its small size and its people’s poverty, the North fields one of the largest armies in Asia, poised to invade neighboring South Korea at any time. The South, buttressed by the United State military, has to be equally ready to defend itself. In “Red Phoenix”, a political crisis in both South Korea and America gives Kim the opening he’s been waiting for. He launches an invasion that involves not only the US, but pulls Russia and China into a conflict that engulfs the entire continent of Asia and threatens to become a worldwide conflagration.


«Shattered Trident»

Bond Larry

While trailing a Chinese nuclear attack sub, Jerry Mitchell, the captain of USS North Dakota, is shocked to see the Chinese boat torpedo a Vietnamese merchant ship. This blatant act of aggression is the opening gambit in a war that has blindsided the U.S. and quickly embroiled all nations in the western Pacific. These nations, bound together in the newly formed Littoral Alliance, have begun a covert submarine campaign aimed at crippling China’s economy before China can set in motion its own plot to dominate the region. In a desperate attempt to buy the president enough time to resolve the crisis diplomatically, Mitchell’s submarine squadron is ordered to interfere with attacks by both sides. China and the Littoral Alliance are both determined to win, no matter the cost, and as each side increases the level of violence, they approach a dangerous tipping point. In a race against time, the submarines of Mitchell’s squadron must execute their mission before the world witnesses an economic catastrophe—or worse, a nuclear exchange.